Our members (dreamers) are part of a network of committed individuals who decide explore dynamic balance in their lives and in their projects. Together, they constitute concentric circles all forming a majestic spiral network of of dreams embracing the planet and the universe. The components of that spiral are:
PEOPLE. Consist of dreamers and all that have decided to be part of the Circle of Dreams as “dreamers”, active dreamers, thinkers, activists of the TGB and other activities related to the individual, societal and world balance.
IDEAS AND THOUGHTS. Hopeful ideas, “dreams” to be activated, particularly usual, daring and open concepts, ideas. Dreams-ideas can be in any field of human activities: future oriented, human-centered, and integrative.
ACTIVITIES. All projects, activities, designs that integrate several fields promoting, or supporting balance, or open cooperation in all walks of life.
CIRCLE 1 – International Advisors of The Great Balance
A Select group of consultants, recognized individuals scholars, scientists, professionals, leaders and activists from different disciplines recognizing the importance of the Great Balance in the modern society: thinkers, doers, activists, advisers and supporters. Our advisors are in:
Tomas Berisso and Francisco Diez
Hugo Iurcovich, Leonardo Lazarte, and Luciana Milicich
Lita Donoso Ocampo
Libardo Cuervo Quevedo and Sister Gloria Diaz Brochet
Paola Bay
Annelie Kiel and Hanno Schürholz
Massimo Radaelli
Lamar Carter, Hamilton Hayes, Gloria Harrison, and Glenn Aparicio Parry
CIRCLE 2 – Ambassadors (one or two per nation)
Individuals promoting The Great Balance activities and initiatives in their own countries.
Graciela Croatto
Blanca Lazarte
Gloria Patricia Suavita
Alexander Schürholz
Elizabetta Visentini
Lucia Saiz
Natalia Moreno de Oliveira Madeira
Haydee Varela
CIRCLE 3 – Sponsors
Contributors including friends, private companies, who mobilize resources for TGB initiatives, helping us to focus on different activities and programs strengthening our mission.
The world and humanity need peace and more loving relationships between people and the planet, and a greater understanding of who we are and our common human destiny. This institution is inserted into a global energy moving in this direction: it has its roots in the spiritual dimension and offers its fruits in daily life.
Currently the Peace Council is composed of institutions, organizations and individuals committed in building and promoting the culture of peace after the self-transformation.
The world and humanity need peace and more loving relationships between people and the planet, and a greater understanding of who we are and our common human destiny. This institution is inserted into a global energy moving in this direction: it has its roots in the spiritual dimension and offers its fruits in daily life.
The Río Abierto Foundation is a non-profit institution created with the aim of contributing to the integral development of the human being through the practice of psycho-corporal techniques. The institution carries out activities linked to the promotion and prevention of health, providing a service to the community and training professionals.
The Ecologic Institute Buzios Mata Atlantica is one of the largest and most important reserves of Pau-brasil in the territory of the Rio de Janeiro state, in the Sierra Emerências on the border of Cabo Frio and Buzios, since its inception, it integrates the newest environmental protection area (APA). This page is in portugues.
An invitation to open up and perceive with all the senses the beauty and strength of a magical and special corner, where land water and air come together, a condition according to ancient traditions, to be able to invoke the magic of life.
“Habrá Paz en el mundo cuando haya Paz en el corazón de cada persona” “There will be Peace in the world when there is Peace in the heart of every person”
CIRCLE 6 – Members
The solid base of the Circle of Dreams. They are selected people , who have heard the call of the Great Balance. They are friends and associates, significant persons who can help, guide, and suggest actions, ideas, promote projects, to advise on many issues. The Great Balance counts of 256 members around the world.