We welcomes donations on Laptops that favor the access to online, higher education of young indigenous students
Donate Goods
The Great Balance welcomes donations on Laptops that favor the access to online, higher education of young indigenous students so they will be able to advance their studies through the virtual training. Technology may help young Arhuacos to expand their vision and contribution to the protection of the SNSM. Other items, The Great Balance, would love to receive are: , school supplies, books, photographic cameras, teaching materials, agricultural tools, building materials, your knowledge or ideas on the use of renewable energies. Every contribution enriches and makes us stronger in the protection of the SNSM, the cultural wisdom of the tribes living there and of all forms of life.
For this type of donations, please contact us at 212 534-4872 or via email to amanda.bernal@thegreatbalance.org.