The Great Balance and the Mamos of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta invite All to Celebrate the Arrival of the Summer Solstice of 2018
Who are the Mamos?
The Mamos are the spiritual leaders of the Arhuaco tribe who live in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM), Colombia. For centuries, the Mamos have been carrying the wisdom of ages that reveals the essence of life, immortality and guides humanity toward Light. The Mamos are the spiritual voices of the Arhuaco (Iku or Bintukwa) culture. Predestined by the superior forces of the universe they learn the secrets of nature by living in close contact with her. Offering their natural and innate knowledge the Mamos serve their people and the entire humanity by integrating it with the profound knowledge of the Laws of Origin and the Laws of the Universe left to them by Kaku Serankwa (the Father God) and by Seynekun (Mother Earth). Their wisdom and service are complemented by elements of divination, a deep spiritual exercise of seeking guidance from the divinity.
The Great Balance, in conjunction with the Mamos, offers the opportunity to celebrate the summer solstice between June 20-23, 2018. This is the time of the Eternal Present in the culture of the Mamos and is the repetition of the divine gesture of the creation.
To establish the connection with the Mamos and participants we must light a blue candle. The blue candle represents the union with the cosmos, with the Mamos in the Sierra and with humanity. During these three days the candles will be joined in the light of the sacred fire of the Arhawiku that will be permanently lit in the kaduko (sacred site) Kanuteti. Dedicate an hour or as long as you wish to connect to the Mamos and participants of this beautiful event.
We are entering into a moment of contemplation and reunification with ourselves, to connect our souls and our hearts, to establish a platform of light where the wisdom of the unchangeable laws binds with the whole to balance our Mother Earth and ourselves as one Humanity.
We open our hearts to discover ourselves through reconciliation with one another, with our brothers, the elementals of plants and birds, of the mountains, of the breezes and of the waters. We declare ourselves as one in love of the new era.
This new encounter leads to enormous changes that are happening right now and will continue for some time into the future.
We open our hearts to the powerful energies that lead these changes and we embrace them in light and love.
We open our hearts to the light of the standing-still sun to make a stop on the road of reconciliation before continuing our journey as a New Humanity on the path of love.
We join ourselves to the reflection of the Mamos of the Heart of the World, to expand their mission on the face of the Earth.
Thus, along with the Mamos of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, we consecrate ourselves as the guardians of Mother Earth, as guardians of the sacred wisdom, of the existence of life, the clouds, the stars and the mountains.
We devote ourselves to the service of light, to care for and maintain the joy and innocence of children, protecting the homeless, the displaced and those who have lost everything in the advancing shadow.
We become practitioners of wisdom that the Mamos have and have known since the ancient times of their ancestors. In this way, we are committed to helping the Mamos to share the sacred mission of teaching this wise legacy to all the brothers and sisters on earth.
We accept and recognize that nothing changes in the divine and universal laws that guide and direct us toward the path of light and love, our common destiny as humanity.
We recognize and accept with a humble heart that the universal laws are embodied in the hearts of all men from the spiritual world.
So now joined to the Mamos of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, we connect ourselves to the light, to the universe and begin the road to the new dawn, carrying in our hearts the seeds of love and hope.
At the dawn of the solstice, we become one with the light of the sun in the neutral meeting with Mother Earth to allow the emergence of life through the balance between positive and negative.
We respect all wisdom as fully marked within a totality, because that totality means life, wisdom and nature. Both we and the Mamos of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta declare ourselves one with All and we reconcile with the universal laws.
So be it, Duni.